Mold On Mattresses: Symptoms, Causes & Solution
long Story Short:- Humidity and bacteria is the main reason of growing mold on your mattress. Mattress molds vary in appearance.

They usually appear as pink, black or off white spots dotting your mattress.
A mold has four smell, it discolours the mattress and you may face sleep issues.
You can remove mold using rubbing alcohol, baking soda and hydrogen peroxide.

Mold is the structure certain fungi can form. Molds can appear on the mattress because it causes by the mix of humidity and bacteria.  Mold on mattresses and their symptoms, causes and solutions are given in this article.

There is always a risk of mold growing on the mattress. You take the best sleep experience daily. But, you know mold also can be a presence on your mattress and you even know about it.

 I will shortly explain to you the process of removing the mold in the mattress. 

Take rubbing alcohol and warm water in equal amounts in the container. Take a cloth and dip the cloth in the mix and wring it out.

Next, scrub the moldy area on the mattress using a wet cloth.

And this is the problem that people don’t know about mold. 

How to Remove Mold from Mattress?

Use rubbing alcohol

Rubbing alcohol can be effective for removing molds in the mattress. Follow the steps for removing the mold.

Mold On Mattresses: Symptoms, Causes & Solution
  1. Take warm water and rubbing alcohol and mix it in equal parts.
  2. You have to vacuum your mattress to loosen any dirt on the mattress.
  3. Wet the area of the mattress where the mold grows to make it easier for the alcohol to penetrate the organic matter.
  4. Take a cleaning cloth and next dip it in the mixture and wring it out.
  5. Scrub the stain of mold in a circular motion. And keep it for at least an hour.
  6. Again rinse the area using the new cloth.
  7. Spray the entire mattress using the upholstery disinfectant.
  8. Dry the mattress well using a hairdryer.

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Using baking soda

Baking soda acts as a mold remover and is a natural deodorizer.

Baking soda also acts as an odor remover. So, sprinkle the baking soda all over the mattress and let it if, and then allow it to sit for a while.

 We recommended waiting at least 15 min to several hours. It will remove the mold and make your mattress fresh and clean.

Leave the baking soda on the mattress for a while and then vacuum up your mattress.

Use hydrogen peroxide

  1. Mix three parts of warm water and one part of hydrogen peroxide to create your cleaning mixture.
  2. You have to vacuum the mattress to loosen any dirt.
  3. Spray the mixture on the moldy area using a spray bottle, cloth, or sponge.
  4. Take a nylon brush and scrub the area gently.
  5. After spraying the mix let it sit for 15 minutes.
  6. Wipe the excess moisture with a paper towel.
  7. Dry the mattress using the hairdryer or the sun.

Symptoms of molds

Mold is a small organism that can appear anywhere on the mattress. The fungus can be found on mattresses, pillows, and bed sheets. 

Mattress molds vary in appearance, they usually appear as pink, black or off-white spots dotting your mattress.

The mold is disgusting and also this can also be a health hazard for you and your entire family. So you should take care of your mattress and wash and clean it time-to-time.

1. Foul smell

A foul odor is the most prominent symptom of mold. Sometimes the scent of mold might be slightly sweet at first, but it will become disgusting and foul over time.

Mold On Mattresses: Symptoms, Causes & Solution

When your mattress starts smelling then you may have a mold infestation.

 How can you know that mattress has a mold infestation?

If your mattress or bed smells like sweat or urine then you can remove these stains. But, when your mattress smells like rotten food then it will be a mold infestation. 

2.  Discoloration of mattress

Molds can appear on the mattress because it causes by the mix of humidity and bacteria. If you use a mattress long time without cleaning the mattress.

Molds may be fuzzy, slimy spots or discolored that grow in size over time. If your mattress is discolored then it will be a chance of molds appearing on your mattress.

3.  sleep issues.

Molds may cause some health issues including sore throat, congestion, and headache. 

If there are molds in your mattress. it may have some health problems and respiratory before you even lay down in your bed.

4.  You are experiencing health problems

If you are experiencing health problems then the reason behind these will be molded. Mold appearing on your bed may cause some health problems including,

  • Itching 
  • Headache
  • Rashes
  • Eczema
  • Runny nose
  • Difficulty breathing

If you are experiencing problems like these check the mattress for mold.

5.  Black or brown spots on the mattress

Spotting is another symptom of the molds. Molds can appear on the mattress because it causes by the mix of humidity and bacteria. 

You have to keep your mattress humidity free. Molds can appear on the mattress in black or brown spots.

Mold On Mattresses: Symptoms, Causes & Solution

These spots sometimes are larger patches too. 

6. Bugs on your mattress

The molds are already disgusting. But did you know that they can attract bugs as well?

Yes, the smell of the molds can attract the critters and bugs such as ants, gnats, and mites.

If suddenly bugs appear on your mattress then it will be a sign of mold on your mattress. 

 7. Rashes on your body

This is the most common thing you may notice if you have molds on your mattress.

If you have come in contact with the mold it can cause rashes on your body.

8.  Your mattress always seems damp and you find bedbugs

When your mattress gets molded then it will work as a breeding ground for micro-organisms and bacteria. This makes the mattress damper.

A wet mattress creates high humidity and mold will grow faster. That’s why you need to keep the mattress dry.

What causes a mold on mattresses?

What is mold?

Mold is the structure certain fungi can form. Molds can appear on the mattress because it causes by the mix of humidity and bacteria. 

Many reasons cause moldy mattresses. These grow fast in dark, warm, and damp environments.

Along with that, the reasons can be given.

  • If water spilled on the mattress and you forgot to clean the mattress and you forgot to clean moisture away from your mattress then mold can grow quickly in three days.
  • If a spill of blood, milk, sweat, vomit, or urine should be monitored as well if you forget to clean and dried the mattress it will be the reason causing the mold on your mattress.
  • The type of mattress is the main reason which causes mold in mattresses. The mold in foam mattresses is high compared to the other types of mattresses.

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The moldy mattress is very dangerous for your entire family. So, get rid of the mattress as quickly as possible.

Mold On Mattresses: Symptoms, Causes & Solution

If you see any symptoms as given in this article then you consider that your mattress has mold.

Keep your mattress clean and dry to avoid molds.


1.  What are the common symptoms of mold in a mattress?

The common symptoms of mold are – skin rashes, allergies, asthma, changing the color of the mattress, respiratory problems, and flu-like symptoms.

2. What should I do if I have a moldy mattress?

If you have a moldy mattress, then you should remove the mattress from your home as soon as possible.

You should clean and dry the mattress well. If your mattress is still damp then it will likely grow mold again.

3.  How can I tell if I have a moldy mattress?

If you are experiencing health problems then the reason behind these will be molded.

 Mold appearing on your bed may cause some health problems like Itching, Headache, Rashes, Eczema, Runny nose, and Difficulty breathing.

If you are experiencing problems like these check the mattress for mold.

 4. What should I do if I think my child has mold poisoning from a mattress?

You should take him to the doctor immediately. Mold poisoning can cause respiratory problems like asthma, allergies, and other health problems.

If your mattress has a mold. Then use the steps given in this article to remove the mold from the mattress.