Hello friends, you heard or read about the many methods to use for blowing the air mattress.

Have you ever thought about how you can fill the air in the air mattress using a garbage bag? but how to use garbage bag to fill air in air mattress?

Yes, you can fill the air using a garbage bag.

Using a garbage bag is a very easy way to blow air into the air mattress.

I will cover for you. If you want to read more then scroll down.

How To Use Garbage Bag To Fill Air In Air Mattress?

Have you ever been stuck in a situation where you don’t have the tools for inflating your air mattress?

Using a garbage bag is an easy way and is better than inflating the mattress with your breath.

I am going to tell you the technique for inflating the air mattress even if you don’t have a pump or any tools for inflating the air mattress.

For that, you just need a garbage bag. when you get a garbage bag then do the steps.

Read more: How To Blow Up An Air Mattress Using Hair Dryer?

Step 1: Put Your Mattress On The Correct Location.

This is the most common step. You have to put your mattress in the correct location where you want to place it.

Because you don’t want to move your inflated air mattress from one location to another.

Step 2: Blow The Garbage Bag With Air.

Next, you need to fill your garbage bag with air.

You can do this by swooping the garbage bag through the air. You just have to move your hands up and down or forward and backward.

How To Use Garbage Bag To Fill Air In Air Mattress

This creates big bubbles inside the garbage bag.

Step 3: Tight The Open End Using Your Hand.

After you fill the garbage bag with air then you have to close the open end of the garbage bag using your hands.

because if you don’t close the open end of the garbage bag immediately then it has a high chance to leak air from the garbage bag.

step 4: Grab Tightly the Open end of the Garbage Bag into the Valve of an Air Mattress.

now, you need to match the open end of the garbage bag with the valve of an air mattress.

After matching you need to tighten the open end of the garbage bag and the valve of the air mattress using your hand.

Grab it tightly.

Also read: How To Blow Up An Air Mattress Using Foot Pump?

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Step 5: Fill Air In Mattress Using a Garbage Bag.

This is the last step. now squeeze the garbage bag and apply pressure on the back side of the garbage bag.

After this process, a small amount of air can pass from the garbage bag into the air mattress.

But not yet finished. you just have to do this process repeatedly until the air mattress fully inflates with the air.

You can use this process if you don’t have any tool to inflate the air mattress.


If you are on a camp or you don’t have any material or tools which can help you to inflate your mattress.

then using a garbage bag is the best way to inflate your mattress.

For the garbage bag method, there is no need to use an electricity connection or any other things.

Only one thing you need which is a garbage bag.

And you have to repeat the same procedure again and again until your mattress is not fully inflated with the air.