Hello friends, I am coming up with a new article and I think you will get what I am talking about after reading the article name.

I am repeating the topic name How to find a leak in air mattress using tissue paper.

So, without wasting the time let’s start the topic.

About Tissue Paper Method

When it’s about finding the hole in an air mattress is not an easy job. And especially if the hole in the mattress is tiny.

There are many methods to find the hole in an air mattress but not all the methods are proven and tested.

The tissue paper trick is one of the best and easy methods to find a leak in an air mattress

If you went camping or outside the house. And your mattress is leaking or your mattress has a tiny hole.

If you don’t have time and you want to find a leak that is in your mattress then you can use the tissue paper method.

This method is the fastest method to find the leak or hole in an air mattress as compared to the other methods.

What Is Tissue Paper Trick?

If you don’t have a kit to find the leak in the air mattress. Generally, tissue paper is available in the car.

So, you can use tissue paper to find the leak in the air mattress.

In this method, take tissue paper and then slowly move the paper on the mattress and listen carefully sound of hissing.

Let’s see the process in detail.

How To Find A Leak In Air Mattress Using Tissue Paper

When you are going to find a leak in the Air mattress you have to check the mattress.

That means you have to check the valve of the mattress there are 80% of mattresses can leak from the valve.

That’s why you need to check the valve first. If the valve is not leaking u should follow the next step to find the leak in the air mattress.

Equipment You Will Need

  • Tissue Paper
  • Permanent Marker / Pen.

In this method, you only need tissue paper for finding a leak and a pen for marking the location of the leak.

But you need to remember one thing that is you can find medium and big holes using tissue paper.

Tiny holes can be tough to find by this method.

Step 1: Remove The Bedding

First, you have to remove the bedding which means you have to remove the pillows and bed sheets from the bed.

Step 2: Lay Down The Mattress

Next, clear the area where you are going to lay down the mattress.

And the place should not have any sharp objects it will damage the mattress.

keep your mattress in a quiet place or area where you will have room to move around the mattress and you can flip the mattress.

Step 3: Fill The Air In Air Mattress.

After laying the mattress in the open place then you have to fill the air in the air mattress.

If you don’t know how to fill the air in an air mattress then you can search for the methods.

Check information about filling the air: How To Fill Air In Air Mattress?

You can use many methods to fill the air in air mattresses like using garbage bags, hair dryers, using vacuum clear in reverse mode.

Keep one thing in mind when you are placing the mattress you can move around the mattress.

How To Find A Leak In Air Mattress Using Tissue Paper

Step 4: Find The Leak In Air Mattress.

Now, you can find the leak in the air mattress using tissue paper.

After you fill the air mattress you have to apply some pressure on the mattress while finding the leak in the air mattress.

Press the mattress on the edges, top, and bottom sides of the mattress.

Just move the tissue paper on the whole air mattress. Start from the edge and the seam of the mattress.

Always apply pressure around the area where you placed the tissue paper.

Step 5: Observe The Tissue Paper Properly

While you are moving the tissue paper then you have to move it slowly and listen carefully. If you heard any hissing sounds then it confirms that your mattress has leaked.

Seams and the edges of the mattresses are the areas where your mattress can leak.

While you are moving the tissue paper on the mattress then you should check if any air disturbances happen with the tissue paper.

If any disturbance happens with the mattress you mattress confirm the leak.

You can do these steps in quite a place this can get better results. And also you can hear a noise when the air hits the tissue paper.

While you moving the tissue make sure to do this over the bottom and top of the mattress. And don’t forget to do this as well as the sides of your mattress.

How To Fix The Leak In Your Air Mattress.

After finding the leak in your air mattress the next step is to fix the leak in the air mattress.

There are lots of ways to help fix the leak in the air mattress. You can fix the hole in the mattress by using a patch kit or without a patch kit.

Without a patch kit is the temporary solution for the leak of the air mattress.

You should repair the leak in your mattress permanently.

Read more: How To Find A Leak In Your Air Mattress?


If your mattress is deflecting continuously then you should check your mattress it can be a small leak.

While you are checking the leak in your air mattress then first you have to check the valve of your air mattress.

There are 80% of mattresses leak from the valve.

Also, it has many methods to check the leak in air mattresses like dish soap method, submerging the mattress, and many more.

But, the tissue paper trick is one of the best and easy tricks. It does not require one too many tools tissue paper is enough.

When you are using the tissue paper trick you should put your mattress in a quiet place and check the leak on the seams and edges its highly possible to find leaks in these spots.


1. Where do the air mattresses usually leak?

The valve of air mattresses and the seams are the two areas that are by far the two most common areas for an air mattress to leak.